
Method Based on Cross-Covariance Functions of Different Frequencies for Estimating the Number of Wideband Sources

  • 摘要: 提出了一种计算简单且有效的宽带信号源个数估计估计算法。该方法利用不同频率互协方差函数所构造的矩阵,从理论上证明了对窄带盖氏圆盘法改进可以用于对该矩阵求解,从而获得宽带信号个数的估计值。分析了该方法在相关和不相关宽带信号下的表现,证明了在CSSM类方法失效的情况下该方法能很好地应用。仿真结果证实了所提方法不仅可以用于估计大于阵元数目的宽带信号个数,而且计算负担更小,便于实际应用。


    Abstract: A new method for estimating wideband source numbers is proposed by utilizing the matrix of cross-covariance functions of different frequencies. It is proved that the Gerschgorin disk of narrowband sources with some modifications can be used to solve the matrix to obtain the estimation of the number of wideband signal. The performance of correlation wideband signals and noncorrelation wideband signals are analyzed. Results prove that the method can be used in such a situation which CSSM methods are useless. The stimulation validates this method not only can be used under array element less than wideband signal numbers but also have small computation burden.


