Path Tracking of Mobile Robots Using Fuzzy Logic
摘要: 针对差动轮驱动的移动机器人动力学的高度非线性和运动环境的不确定性,提出了基于模糊逻辑的移动机器人路径跟踪控制方法。该方法通过合理选择模糊控制器的参数和优化规则库,使其输出合适的线速度和角速度,从而控制移动机器人准确地跟踪预规划的路径。提出了两轮差动式移动机器人的动力学模型,使得该模糊控制器对不同几何参数的差动式机器人具有普遍的适应性。在实际场地试验和亚太机器人大赛中验证该方法的有效性。Abstract: A new path tracking control method is proposed for uncertain mobile environment and high nonlinear dynamic of differential drived robot. The method applies fuzzy control theory to obtain the appropriate velocity and angular velocity by selecting optimal parameter of fuzzy logic controller. In order to obtain the optimal planning path of mobile robot, the dynamic model of differential drived robot is presented to expand the suitable range of geometric parameter derived from fuzzy controller. The effectiveness of the method developed is verified in the design of a robot vehicle with experiment.