Analysis of the E0 Encryption System in Bluetooth
摘要: 蓝牙的E0加密算法是利用四个移位序列进行延迟并组合生成密流序列。利用其密流序列的相关性对算法进行攻击。攻击过程是基于给定有限的输出加密流,重新导出移位序列的初始值。基本攻击和优化攻击的时间复杂度分别为O(283)和O(278)。最后给出了该攻击手段的E0算法的改进方案和实验数据。Abstract: The encryption system E0 in Bluetooth is generated from four LFSRs (Linear Feedback Shift Registers) by delay and combination. A new algorithm is introduced to attack E0 by using the correlation of its sequence. The average time complexities of the basic and the advance attacks respectively are O(283) and O(278). Base on the way of attacking means described in the paper, an improvement on E0 is made. In the end, some theory analysis and sample data are provided.