
A Reduced State Sequence Detection Algorithm for Continuous Phase Modulation

  • 摘要: 给出了一种连续相位调制、结合判决反馈的减少状态序列检测算法,并将其推广到非相干检测形式,能大大减少维特比检测的状态数目。通过分析和仿真结果表明,与最优最大似然序列检测相比,该算法能有效地简化运算复杂度而性能损失较小,非相干检测较相干检测在10-3误比特率时性能损失约为2 dB,但它对载波恢复困难的情形更为合适和稳健。


    Abstract: A reduced state sequence detection algorithm with decision feedback for continuous phase modulation is given and extended to noncoherent detection. This algorithm can greatly reduce the number of states with Viterbi detection. Analysis and simulation results show that the algorithm efficiently reduces the computation complexity with a very small degradation in error performance compared with its optimum maximum likelihood sequence detection, and although noncoherent detection is degraded by 2dB at 10-3 bit error rate compared with coherent detection, it is more appropriate and robust to the situation when the carrier recovery is difficult.


