
A Novel Watermarking Algorithm for Telemedicine

  • 摘要: 研究了脑电图(EEG)的水印算法,提出了一种基于自适应滤波的数字水印算法。实验仿真结果表明水印是不可见的,经过低通滤波、中值滤波、维纳滤波、JPEG压缩、小角度旋转等图像处理操作后仍可检验出水印,比空域算法有更高的鲁棒性。


    Abstract: Modern telecommunication infrastructure supports the possibility of delivering quality health care without the physical presence of medical experts. The integrity of medical signals being transmitted through communication channels must be established before utilization. In this paper, we study the watermarking algorithms for electroencephalogram (EEG) and put forward a novel watermarking algorithm based on adaptive filter. The experimental results show that the watermark is invisible and the watermark algorithm is robust against the most common image manipulations, such as JPEG lossy compression, low-pass filtering, median filtering, Wiener filtering, noise addition and rotation.


