
Simulation of Epidemic of P2P Worms in BitTorrent Networks

  • 摘要: 对等网络蠕虫(简称P2P蠕虫)是目前P2P网络面临的重大安全威胁之一。由于具有极强的隐蔽性和破坏性,P2P蠕虫能够控制访问感染节点的路由表,获取该节点的邻居信息,构建攻击列表,以实现精确的目标攻击。该文通过仿真的方法,分析了P2P蠕虫在BitTorrent网络中的传播特性,验证了相关参数对P2P蠕虫传播的影响。实验结果表明,P2P蠕虫的传播与BT网络的状态、蠕虫的攻击能力、初始感染蠕虫节点比例以及单位时间内免疫节点比例有着非常紧密的联系。


    Abstract: Peer-to-Peer (P2P) worms have become one of some major threats to peer-to-peer network security nowadays. With its strong hidden feature and destructivity, the P2P worms can attack the goal nodes accurately by manipulating the router table of infected nodes, getting information of their neighbors and constructing a target list. Through some simulation experiments, this paper analyzes the characteristic of P2P worms spreading through BitTorrent network, and tests the effect of some parameters. The performances of simulation experiments show that the spread of P2P worms is related to the state of BT network, the attack capacity of worms, the rate of initial infected node, and immune node per unit time.


