A Remote User Authentication Scheme with Smart Cards Using Bilinear Pairings
摘要: 研究了双线性对在智能卡口令认证方案中的应用;针对Giri et al方案在敌手能够获取存储在智能卡中信息的情况下不能抵抗冒充攻击的安全缺陷,提出了一种使用双线性对构造的智能卡口令认证方案。在该方案的登录阶段中只是执行群上的加法运算,没有使用杂凑函数和公钥加解密操作,因而计算代价更低,但却提供了更好的安全性,能够抵抗重放攻击、离线攻击和冒充攻击。Abstract: The remote user authentication schemes with smart cards using bilinear pairings are discussed. As the scheme proposed by Giri et al is vulnerable to masquerade attack in the case that the information stored in the smart card is stolen, a new remote user authentication scheme with smart cards using bilinear pairings is proposed. The proposed scheme is performed lower computation cost since in login phase only the addition in the group is needed. The scheme provides better security because it can withstand replay attack, off-line attack and masquerade attack.