
Robust Nonlinear LMS NLOS Location Algorithm

  • 摘要: 在蜂窝移动定位中,非视距波(NLOS)是影响定位精度的主要因素,NLOS的传播会给距离测量值增加较大的正性误差。传统的线性滤波器主要是针对高斯分布的误差,并不能有效地处理NLOS误差。该文提出一种非线性LMS算法TOA测量结果进行重构来消除NLOS的影响。该算法将NLOS误差视作冲激性噪声,通过对LMS算法中的代价函数的非线性化来抑制TOA测量值中的NLOS误差,仿真结果证明了该算法的有效性。


    Abstract: The major problem to make precision mobile location is the nonline of light (NLOS) effect. It adds positive error to time of arrival (TOA) measures, the linear filter can not effectively deal with the NLOS error, because the linear filter mainly bases on the Gaussian noise. In this paper, a nonlinear LMS algorithm is brought forward to mitigate the NLOS effect on location precision. It regards NLOS error as the impulse noise and reconstructs the TOA measures by using the non-linear objective function. The simulation results justify the proposed algorithm.


