Second-Order Characteristic Window Approach to Blind Speech Signal Separation
摘要: 利用语音信号的短时平稳特性,提出了一种二阶特征窗语音盲分离方法。该方法采用新的联合差分相关矩阵白化算法去除有色噪声影响;用长度等于语音信号基音周期的等距特征窗连续分割预白化观测数据,在每个加窗的数据帧计算不同的时滞协方差矩阵。利用联合近似对角化时滞协方差矩阵集合得到旋转参数,最终达到语音信号的盲分离。该方法消除了有色噪声的影响,只需用到二阶信息就能很好地分离语音信号。仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性。Abstract: In this paper, a second-order characteristic window approach to blind signal separation based on short-time stationarity of speech signals is proposed. This approach uses a new whitening algorithm via joint difference correlation matrix to remove the effect of colored noise for one thing, then uses characteristic window that the length is approximately equal to the fundamental period to divide the whitening observation data into series. In every different data frame, time-lag covariance matrices are computed and jointly approximately diagonalized to estimate the rotation parameters which could make the sources obtained. This approach avoids colored noises and separates speech signals only by means of second-order information. Its effectiveness is shown via computer simulation.