
Quantum Key Distribution Protocol Using Orthogonal Product Quantum States

  • 摘要: 基于量子密钥分配协议是目前实现密钥分配最安全的方法,两个三态量子位组成的复合系统中存在一组正交直积态,它可以表现出非定域性。该文提出了一个建立在该系统的非定域性基础上的量子密钥分配协议,协议双方通过交换量子位和集体测量建立起共享的密钥。量子力学的基本原理保证了该协议是无条件安全的,没有第三方可以窃取密钥而不被发现。该协议不需要纠缠态,也不需要做任何量子操作。因此,它更容易在实践中实现,同时具有更高的可靠性与健壮性。


    Abstract: Quantum key distribution is the most secure technology to distribute a secret key. There is a set of orthogonal product states in a two-qubit three-state quantum system which can show nonlocality. This paper provides a quantum key distribution protocol based otn the nonlocality of such system. The two parties establish the key by exchanging quantum qubits and performing the collective measurement on them. The laws of quantum mechanics guarantee that this protocol is unconditionally secure. No other people can get the key without being found. There are no entangled states and quantum operations needed in the protocol. So it is easier to carry out in practice. And it can gain high reliability and robustness.


