
A Design of Self-Adaptive Fuze System Based on MEMS

  • 摘要: 借鉴已有的两种引信算法的优点,提出了一种更为灵活、应用更为广泛的自适应钻地引信算法。该算法中将"侵彻深度计算"和"复杂介质识别"相结合来控制炸点。通过以微机电系统研制的高g微阵列式加速度计作为引信关键部件,并借助可编程逻辑器件技术,给出了微系统下引信系统硬件实现方案。该方案适合复杂的作战环境,满足实时性要求。


    Abstract: Taking the advantage of two methods to fuze, this paper proposes a self-adaptive penetrating fuze algorithm which is more flexible and practical. By this method, the burst point control is completed by ‘calculating the depth of the penetrating’ and ‘identifying the complicate medium’. Furthermore the hardware scheme of fuze system is also presented under the Micro-system, utilizing the high-g array accelerometer fabricated by MEMS as the key parts of the fuze and in virtue of the programmable logic device technology. This fuze system can adapt to the complicated battle circumstance and satisfy real-time requirement.


