
Packets Cross-Forwarding for Interconnected Resilient Packet Rings

  • 摘要: 提出了一种新颖的交叉连接节点,它兼容弹性分组环标准节点的功能。多个弹性分组环通过交叉连接节点互连后,可构建弹性分组多环互连网络。为保证数据能可靠、高效地进行跨环传输,对基于单环架构的标准帧格式进行了扩展定义,并基于扩展的帧格式对交叉连接节点的体系结构、跨环帧转发算法进行了设计。研究表明,跨环数据能够可靠、高效地进行传输。


    Abstract: This paper introduces a new kind of node, namely, RPR-X node, to interconnect multiple Resilient Packet Rings (RPR). To achieve packets cross transmission among RPR sub-networks, and at the same time to guarantee the cross forwarding algorithm to be compatible with the standard forwarding procedure, this paper presents the extended definitions of standard RPR frame, MAC layer reference model of RPR-X node, and the corresponding packet cross forwarding algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method performs well in terms of performance metrics such as network's throughput and end-to-end delay.


