
Analysis of Heart Rate Variability Via Averaged Power Spectrum

  • 摘要: 心律波动信号具有1/f噪声特性,是非平稳的。该文采用平均功率谱密度方法,分析了基于平均功率谱密度和最小二乘拟合法求正常人和心脏充血患者的心律波动信号的谱参数,发现根据谱参数可以定量地区分正常人与心脏充血患者:大部分正常人的心律波动信号的谱参数大于1,而大部分心脏充血患者的心律波动信号的谱参数小于1,该结论可为心脏病的诊断与预诊断提供一种辅助手段。


    Abstract: Heart rate variability is nonstationary and shows 1/f fluctuation. Based on averaged power spectrum and least square algorithm, the deduced spectral parameter is further used to analyze the heart rate variability of congestive heart failure patients and normal people. The most spectral parameters corresponding to congestive heart failure patients are smaller than 1, and the most spectral parameters corresponding to normal people are larger than 1. This fact could provide an assistant method for the diagnosis and prediagnosis of cardiopathy.


