A Method of Measuring Velocities Based on Curve Fitting by Pulsed Laser Radar
摘要: 介绍了一种激光雷达利用最小二乘曲线拟合来获取目标体速度信息的方法;并分别以常用的幂级数族和构造的正交函数族为基进行了拟合求解,通过这两种情况所造成的测量误差的理论分析,对两者的拟合性能进行了对比,最终确定以幂级数族为基进行曲线拟合来获取目标体的速度信息。Abstract: A method based on least-squares curve fitting is introduce to acquired the information of velocity of the pulsed laser radar's object. The exponential function and the orthogonal function are taken as fundus to fit curve respectively, and their fitting performance have been compared by the analysis of the measuring deviation of them, and then choose the exponential function is chose as fundus to fit curve to acquire the information of velocity of object.