
Object-Oriented Risk Assessment Methodology and Simulation Model

  • 摘要: 面向对象的民航安全评价方法和仿真模型将面向对象的分析方法、事件树分析方法和离散事件仿真模型相结合,通过引入立即响应模式和延迟响应两种事件处理模式、支持概率分支的组合计算及离散事件序列的仿真,能够有效地对具有行为不确定性和时间依赖性的系统进行安全性仿真和评价。


    Abstract: Object-Oriented Risk Assessment Methodology and Simulation Model (ORASM) combined the object-oriented analysis method with event tree analysis and discrete event simulation. By introduced the two response modes to event and probabilistic branch, the risk of the systems, in which events and their response are time dependent and are undetermined, can be assessed and simulated effectively by ORASM. It is applied to an aviation safety problem that considers mechanisms by which an aircraft might become involved in a runway incursion incident.


