
A Bluetooth Network Data Transmission Algorithm Based on BER Model

  • 摘要: 分析了蓝牙网在不同BER模式条件下的数据传输情况,提出了一种基于物理链接层BER模式的蓝牙网络的自适应数传算法。按照蓝牙网数据包的ACL分组,在不同BER模式条件进行了数据传输实验,实验结果分析表明该算法能显著改善蓝牙网数据传输效率。


    Abstract: The paper analyses the bluetooth network's performance of data transmission in various BER model and presents a new kind of bluetooth network adaptive data transmission algorithm, based on BER model of physical link layer. According to the data transmission experiments based on the bluetooth network ACL packet in difference BER model, it is proved that the algorithm improves the efficiency of bluetooth network data transmission.


