
Measurement of Equivalent Circuit Parameters and Characteristic Simulation of Piezoelectric Transformer

  • 摘要: 压电变压器与传统的电磁变压器相比较,具有体积小、重量轻、升压比高、不易燃、无电磁污染等特点,是电子信息系统中不可或缺的重要元件,因而获得广泛应用。该文用Y参数等效电路模型,通过Agilent-4294A测得了径向振动压电变压器的相关等效电路参数:R、L、C、Cd1和Cd2,并比较了参数的测试值与理论值,分析了其误差。将所得参数带入物理等效电路模型,模拟和分析了径向振动压电变压器的升压比、输出功率和转换效率随负载变化的特性。


    Abstract: Compared with conventional electromagnetic transformer, piezoelectric transformer has many advantages such as compact volume, high step-up ratio, non-flammability, and none-electromagnetic pollution. In this paper, the parameters of equivalent circuit of radial vibration mode piezoelectric transformer are measured through Y-parameter equivalent circuit model using Agilent-4294A impedance analyzer. The values of measurement and model are compared, and the causes of the differences are analyzed. Then the characteristics of variety of step-up ratio, output power, and efficiency with load are simulated and analyzed by turning the measured results into the formula.


