
Blind Channel Estimation Using Aid of Pseudo-Pilot-Symbols for OFDM System

  • 摘要: 根据OFDM系统的特性提出了用伪导频符号进行信道的盲估计算法。与用于做信道估计的导频信号不同,PPSs传输的是有用的数据,因此提高了系统的带宽利用率,若PPSs的平均功率增加3 dB或6 dB时可有效抑制信道的加性高斯噪声。该文对信道盲估计的均方误差及其由此算法获得的信道的状态信息对无编码的OFDM系统进行解调的误比特概率进行了仿真,结果表明提出的算法是有效的并具有很好的灵活性。


    Abstract: In this paper, a blind channel estimator based on the aid of Pseudo-Pilot-Symbols(PPS) has been proposed relying on the character of OFDM system. Unlike pilots which are used for estimation of channel and must waste some useful bandwidth, the PPSs, whose power can be boosted 3 dB or 6 dB to suppress efficiently the additive noise, are useful data transmitted, thus efficiency of the OFDM system has been increased. Performance simulation of the proposed estimator including Mean Squares Error (MSE) of channel and uncoded Bit Error Rate(BER) have been taken, and the results show the estimator is efficient.


