
LRL Calibration Method and Its Application to Microwave Measurem

  • 摘要: 讨论了微波器件的测量问题,阐明了LRL (Line-Reflect-Line)校准法的物理模型。应用微波网络理论建立了基本方程,运用矩阵方法推导出待测件散射参量的闭定式表达式。由于利用代数消去法,去除了嵌入参量相位不确定性引入的误差,LRL法可用于微波晶体管测试夹具的去嵌入。


    Abstract: The problem of measurements for microwave devices is considered, and a physical model for LRL (Line-Reflect-Line) calibration method is described. The closed form expressions for devices under test are derived by means of microwave network theory and matrix techniques.The errors caused by the phase uncertainties of embedded parameters are deleted. In addition, LRL method can be used to de-embed the S parameters from the microwave transistor test fixture.


