
A Reality of Fuzzy Control for Gas Turbine

  • 摘要: 燃气涡轮工作转速受进油量、进气量和试验装置特性等多种因素的影响,由于这些因素之间有很强的交叉耦合,很难建立精确的数学模型,因此按经典控制理论很难对燃气涡轮的转速进行控制。针对燃气涡轮系统的转速控制问题,文中提出了一种实用的自寻优FUZZYPI模糊控制方案。利用模糊推理合成规则,得出了模糊控制结果,并用于实际系统控制,获得了成功。


    Abstract: When gas turbine works, rotational speed is affected by oil, air and so on, and there are strong cross-coupling between these factors. It is difficult to found an accurate mathematical model for the working process of gas turbine, so, the rotational speed of gas turbine can not be controlled by classical control theory. For the control problem of rotational speed of gas turbine, a useful self-optimizing fuzzy-PI control scheme is presented. According to fuzzy inference synthetize rule, the fuzzy control result is obtained. The fuzzy control result is used to control practical system and has met with success.


