
Effect of Chiral Medium Parameters on Reflectance

  • 摘要: 对手征媒质单涂层的反射系数受其电磁特性参数ε、μ、ζ和涂层厚度d的影响进行了计算机模拟分析。分析表明,手征媒质的旋波参量并不总是对涂层的吸波特性起着改善的作用;当手征媒质的归一化旋波参量ζr=1时,材料吸波特性最好。计算表明,当涂层厚度增加到一定厚度后,其反射系数几乎与厚度无关,此厚度随涂层材料的电磁特性参数不同而改变。手征媒质的介电率、磁导率对涂层反射有显著的影响


    Abstract: In this paper, numerical computation about relative dependence of planar single layer chiral medium on its electromagnetic characteristic parameter ε,μ,ζ and chiral coated-layer's thickness d is presented. According to the computed result shows that chiral parameter ζ may not always improve absorption of chiral coated layer. The normal chiral parameter ζr=1 if absorption is the best in the situation which chiral parameter improves the absorption of chiral coated-layer. It is concluded that the reflectance may decrease to some constant when the thickness increases to some limited value. Of course, the electromagnetic characteristic parameters change, the limited thickness change too. Permittivity and permeability also affect the reflectance of the chiral coated-layer.


