
A Method for Parameter Estimating of Single-look Generalized Polarimetric K-distribution

  • 摘要: 提出了通过归一化极化联合矩对SAR (合成孔径雷达)单视广义极化K-分布纹理参数进行估计的方法,阐述了SAR各个极化通道之间的纹理相关性。在此基础上给出了单视广义极化K-分布波形因子、纹理相关系数和相干斑相关系数的算法及偏差性能分析,并进行了蒙特卡洛仿真实验论证,进一步证明了该方法的良好估计性能。


    Abstract: A method for estimating parameters of single-look generalized polarimetric K-distribution by using normalized joint polarimetric moments is presented. The characteristics of pattially correlated texture are analized and the algorithm of SAR texture parameters is given.The bias quality of every two polarized channels of SAR is also discussed. Finally, the Mont-calo simulation results show that the method has a good estimating quality.


