
A Computer-aided Testing Measurement System for Spindle Rotation Accuracy

  • 摘要: 应用计算机辅助测试(CAT)技术,以计算机为基础,提出了一种高精度主轴回转误差在线测量方法,并开发了在线测量和数据处理系统。该系统由高精度标准球、涡流传感器、微机和数据处理软件组成。采用数字滤波方法消除一次偏心分量,在此基础上对数据处理和误差评定进行了探讨,将系统用于车床主轴回转精度的实际测量,取得了良好效果。


    Abstract: This paper studies the CAT (computer-aided testing)technique with supper computer used in on-line high-precision measurement and data processing system for spindle rotation accuracy.The system consists of maset-ball,general-purpose instruments,supper computer and a set of software's for data processing.Based on eccentricity elimination by digital filter,data processing and error evaluation are discussed.The system is applied in the study of the spindle rotation accuracy of a matching tools' axs.The results of the rotation error are given.


