
A Fast BP Learning Algorithm via A Hybrid Approach

  • 摘要: 提出了一种新的BP算法,其实质是将传统的激活函数(Sigmoid函数)改为分段线性函数,将均方误差估计器改为具有稳健特性的柯西误差估计器,大大加快了收敛速度。以XOR问题和编/解码问题为例的计算机模拟实验证实了算法的有效性。


    Abstract: A hybrid approach based on changing the activation function and using a robust error estimator for improving the learning speed of BP network is suggested in this paper.The activation function used in this paper is a non-differentiable piecewise linear function and its derivative function is re-defined as a new continuous one.The network learning is proceeding under new error function.Significant improvement is observed in the simulations of the XOR and encoder/decode examples.


