
Edges Detection Image with M-Band Wavelet Transform

  • 摘要: 小波变换是一种时频域信号分析理论,是信号分析处理的一种强有力的新工具。文中根据小波变换特点和边缘的时频空特性,在Malat关于小波边缘提取理论的基础上,将二通道小波变换的边缘提取问题推广到M通道小波变换的边缘提取,讨论和分析了如何利用M带小波来获取边缘的方法和实现步骤。


    Abstract: How to detect the edges of image is a very interesting subject.The wavelet trans-form is a very useful tool for signal processing,especially the multiresolution represention are very effective for analyzing the information content of signals.This paper utilizes the property of the wavelet transform and edges,based on the theory of Mallat's characterization of signals from multiscales edges and discusses the method of characterization of signals from multiscales edges about M-band wavelet transform.Using the method,the edges of image can be detected.Experimental results are given,which show that the algorithm is simple,reliable and very useful for detecting edges of image.


