
Implemention of 2D DCT on MVP

  • 摘要: DCT是一种被广泛应用于图像压缩编码中的正交变换。DCT的运算量极大,因而在一些高速或实时场合,能否快速实现DCT就成为一个关键因素。TMS320C80(MVP)作为新一代可编程的通用数字信号处理芯片,它支持SIMD和MIMD两种并行模式。文中描述了DCT的快速算法和TMS320C80的基本结构及特性,并详述了并行实现的策略,对两种并行模式的加速比作了比较,然后选用了一种高效算法,在TMS320C80上实现。并对结果进行了理论上的分析,证明能满足实时性的要求。


    Abstract: DCT is an orthogonal transformation widely used in image compression applications.Because of its high computational cost,the operating speed of DCT will be a key factor in the case where real-time processing are required.TMS320C80(MVP) is a recently developed general purpose programmable digital signal processor,which can operate in both SIMD and MIMD concurrent-modes.This paper presents the fast algorithms of DCT and the advantages of TMS320C80 architecture,and discusses the parallel strategy of 2D DCT on MVP.The speedups of SIMD and MIMD modes are compared.Finally,Lee's fast algorithm is chosen and mapped onto MVP with SIMD mode.The results show that the implemention can meet the requirements of real-time applications.


