GTEM cell的特性阻抗

Characteristic Impedance of A GTEM Cell

  • 摘要: 保角变换-奇异积分方程法被用来求GTEMcel的特性阻抗,用完全椭圆积分给出了基于只有球TEM模传播的简单而精确的特性阻抗公式。该方法使GTEM cell的特性阻抗的计算精确而简单。另外,采用保角变换-有限差分法求出了球TEM模的电磁场分布和高阶模式的特性。文中的分析可用于对GTEM cell和宽带传线的研究。


    Abstract: The conformal mapping and the singular-integral-equation technique are used to derive the expression for the characteristic impedance of a GTEM cell.Simple and very accurate formula for the characteristic impedance based on only spherical TEM mode propagating is found in terms of complete elliptic integrals.The method enables the characteristic impedance of a GTEM cell to be evaluated accurately and easily.In addition,a simple method,i.e., a combination of conformal mapping and the method of finite difference is suggested to be used in the study of the electromagnetic field distribution of spherical TEM mode and the characteristics of the higher modes in the GTEM cell.The analysis is useful in the study of GTEM cells and broadband transmission lines.


