
Fabrication and Analysis of 1.31μm Optical Waveguides and Components with Annealed Proton Exchange

  • 摘要: 利用退火质子交换技术对工作波长为1.31μm的X-切、Y-传LiNbO3单模光波导进行了实验研究与分析;测试了不同交换时间(te)与退火时间(ta)条件下的光波导近场模光强分布曲线;通过与单模光纤模场测试比较,获得了与单模光纤模场匹配的退火质子交换(APE)光波导,其中光纤-波导-光纤的插入损耗最低达到3.2dB;同时利用所研制的光波导制作了相位调制器与M-Z型强度调制器,并对其低频调制特性进行了测试。


    Abstract: The experimental research and analysis of 1.31 μm single-mode channel waveguides and components fabricated by annealed proton exchanged (APE) technique in X cut,Y proagation LiNbO3 are presented.The near field mode intensity profile of optical waveguides under various proton exchange time (te) and annealed time (ta) are measured.The optical waveguide mode size matching well with singlemode fibre is obtained by measuring and comparing with that of a single mode fiber.The lowest insertion loss of fibre waveguide fibre is 3.2 dB.The low frequency modulation characteristics of M Z interferometric modulator modulator formed in APE waveguides are tested.


