
Outage Minimization for Decode and Forward Cooperative Communication

  • 摘要: 提出了一种自适应无校验解码前传(decode and forward)协同通信方案,方案利用有限比特的反馈,基于最小化断线率(outage probability)这一目标,进行自适应功率分配。给出了完整信道信息反馈条件下的功率分配方案,得出其断线率性能,并以此作为有限反馈比特条件下的性能限;提出了少量比特反馈条件下的自适应发射功率分配方案,并通过仿真证明只需要少数几个反馈比特,就可以达到很大的性能提升。提出的两用户共用反馈信息的方案,与以往的针对中继信道设计的每用户采用不同的反馈信息方案相比,在总反馈比特数相同的情况下具有较大的性能增益。


    Abstract: A power allocation scheme for decode and forward cooperative communication is proposed to minimize the system outage probability. By considering power allocation scheme with perfect feedback which gives the lower bound of outage probability, the power allocation scheme with limited feedback is proposed. The transmission power in the latter scheme can be adjusted according to a few feedback bits. The simulation results prove that the proposed scheme with only a few feedback bits can achieve better performance gain than the relay channel scheme elsewhere.


