电峰值电场强度从10~300 kV/cm的纳秒脉冲电场可以单独应用于肿瘤消融研究[1]。由于脉冲宽度低于细胞膜的充电周期,纳秒脉冲电场可以与细胞内的细胞器相互作用。通过选择合适的脉冲参数,纳秒脉冲可以触发肿瘤细胞凋亡,进而诱导特异性免疫,不仅可以进行局部肿瘤消融,而且可以有效防治肿瘤转移和复发[2-5]。纳秒脉冲电场的凋亡机制研究包括电场作用靶点和信号通路,电场作用靶点的探究有助于优化出最佳的脉冲参数以获得最佳的治疗效果[6-7],而信号通路的研究为增强/抑制特定的分子开发新的治疗方案。文献[8-11]分别说明了纳秒脉冲诱导肿瘤凋亡涉及p53凋亡通路、TGF-b1通路、PI3K/AKT通路、和NF-κB通路等。然而由于纳秒脉冲诱导肿瘤凋亡涉及的靶点较多,也受传统研究方法的限制,纳秒脉冲诱导肿瘤凋亡的凋亡机制尚未得到充分研究。
Study on the Apoptosis Mechanism of Murine Melanoma B16 Cells Stimulated by Nanosecond Pulse Electric Field
摘要: 纳秒脉冲电场具有诱导癌细胞凋亡、抑制肿瘤生长和诱导抗肿瘤免疫的作用。由于纳秒脉冲诱导治疗涉及的通路过多和常规检测特异性生物标志物技术的局限性,其凋亡机制尚未达成共识且暂时没有高效的研究方法。为了深入研究凋亡机制,该文利用蛋白芯片技术和富集分析技术研究了纳秒脉冲电场诱导小鼠黑色素瘤B16细胞的凋亡机制,并推导了纳秒脉冲诱导治疗的凋亡机制。该研究方法对于有此类靶点数目众多的机制研究具有独特的优势,可为设计未来的纳秒脉冲诱导治疗方案提供参考,优化最佳的脉冲参数或增强/抑制特定的分子以获得最佳治疗效果。Abstract: Nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) has been demonstrated to induce cancerous cell apoptosis, inhibit tumor growth and elicit antitumor immunity. Caused by the apoptosis mechanism of nanosecond pulse stimulation (NPS) therapy involving too many targets and the limitation of conventional detecting specific biomarker technology, the apoptosis mechanism of NPS has not been reached consensus and there is no efficient method for researching it. In order to gain further insight into the apoptosis mechanism, the paper has studied the murine melanoma B16 cells stimulated by nsPEF by using antibody array. A hypothesis for the pathway of NPS with three steps for the apoptosis mechanism was introduced. The research method possess the unique advantages in this kind of researches with huge number of targets, the obtained results could be helpful for designing future NPS therapies and aid in targeting the specific molecules with the optimal pulse parameters to obtain best therapeutic effect.
Key words:
- antibody array /
- apoptosis /
- enrichment analysis /
- nanosecond pulsed electric field
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