Human-Robot Collaborative Intelligent System and Its Clinical Applications
摘要: 人类智能能够在执行某一任务时做出适应当前环境的决策,并且具有思考能力和情感意识;人工智能能够代替人类进行快速且大批量的高性能计算。然而由于需求的不断增加,提高了环境和任务的复杂性,单凭人类智能或人工智能无法执行复杂任务,人机协同智能系统作为一种基于混合智能的新型技术与系统,能够通过人类与机器交互及协同的混合智能在高动态环境中实现复杂任务,通过协同感知、协同认知和协同控制实现人类和机器的优势互补、扬长避短,是人类智能和人工智能的结合和拓展。该文对国内外现有主流人机协同智能系统及其理论进行了总结,并对典型人机协同智能系统在临床应用方面进行了分析,最后对人机协同智能系统的研究趋势进行了展望。Abstract: Human intelligence can make adaptive decisions according to current environment when performing tasks, and is capable of thinking and emotional awareness. Artificial intelligence can make high performance computing instead of humans. However, increasing demand makes environments and tasks become more complicated, thus human intelligence or artificial intelligence alone is unable to perform complex tasks. Human-robot collaboration intelligence system is a novel technology based on hybrid intelligence, which can perform complex tasks in high-dynamic environment. It is the extension and expansion of human behavior and intelligence to realize the complementary advantages. In this paper, the main human - robot collaborative intelligence system and its theory are summarized. And then, the clinical applications of typical human - robot collaborative intelligence system is analyzed. Finally, this paper prospects the research trends of human-machine collaborative intelligence systems.
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