
Matrix Factorization Recommendation Algorithm for Differential Privacy Protection

  • 摘要: 协同过滤推荐算法在工作过程中需要分析和使用大量的用户数据,存在个人隐私泄露的安全隐患。现有的大多数在推荐系统中实施隐私保护的方法,容易引入过大噪声,导致推荐质量下降。针对此问题,该文提出一种满足差分隐私保护的矩阵分解推荐算法。该算法首先将矩阵分解问题转化为两个交替进行的用户隐因子和项目隐因子优化问题,然后采用遗传算法对这两个优化问题进行求解。将增强指数机制融入到遗传算法的个体选择中,并基于寻找重要隐因子的思想设计了遗传算法的变异过程。理论分析和实验结果显示,该算法可以为用户数据提供良好的差分隐私保护,同时有效保证了推荐的准确性,在推荐系统中具有良好的应用价值。


    Abstract: Collaborative filtering techniques require tremendous amount of personal data to provide personalized recommendation services, which has caused the rising concerns about the risk of privacy leakage. Most existed methods for implementing privacy protection in recommender systems are prone to introduce excessive noises, which significantly degrades the recommendation quality. To address this problem, a matrix factorization algorithm satisfying differential privacy is proposed. The method first converts the matrix factorization problem into two alternate optimization problems, in which user latent factors and item latent factors are optimized respectively. Then a genetic algorithm is introduced to solve these two optimization problems, in which the enhanced exponential mechanism is applied into the individual selection and a novel mutation operation is designed based on the idea of finding important latent factors. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the algorithm can not only provide strong differential privacy protection for user data, but also ensure the accuracy of recommendations. Therefore, it has good application value in recommender systems.


