
Design and Research of Multi-User Oriented Micro Traffic Simulation Experiment System

  • 摘要: 针对现有交通虚拟仿真系统既无法支持多用户同时在线仿真,又无法满足实际的虚拟仿真教学实验需求,也难以大规模扩展等问题,该文首次从系统架构和仿真引擎方面设计并实现了一种面向多用户的微观交通仿真实验系统。并且从单仿真引擎仿真车辆数变化、单仿真引擎仿真加速比变化和多仿真引擎并发执行3个性能指标对该系统进行测试。测试结果表明,该文所实现的交通虚拟仿真系统能够支持多仿真引擎、多仿真任务的并发执行,满足多用户的同时在线仿真需求。


    Abstract: In view of the problems that the existing traffic virtual simulation systems have, such as they can neither simultaneously support real-time online simulation for multiple users, nor meet the practical requirements of virtual simulation teaching experiment and even be difficult to expand on a large scale. In this paper, from the aspects of system architecture and simulation engine, a multi-user-oriented micro-traffic simulation experiment system is for the first time investigated and devised. Furthermore, this paper tests the designed system from three performance indicators including the vehicle number change of single simulation engine simulation, the acceleration ratio change of single simulation engine simulation, and the concurrent execution of multiple simulation engines. The experimental results indicate that the traffic virtual simulation system devised in this paper can support the concurrent execution of multiple simulation engines and multiple simulation tasks as well as meet the simultaneous online simulation needs of multiple users.


