
Compensation and Suppression of Excitation Force of Rotary Opposed-Open Mechanical Shutter

  • 摘要: 巡天相机是2 m口径空间天文望远镜最主要的科学终端之一。巡天相机采用旋转对开式机械快门,在快门开合时产生的激振力将影响成像质量。为了解决这一问题,该文建立了旋转对开式机械快门的动力学模型,提出了激振力的动态补偿方法:结合凸轮运动动态性和杠杆反向补偿、放大原理,以杠杆惯性力动态补偿快门激振力的方式实现激振力抑制;基于激振力残差最小原则,使用单纯形法优化获取凸轮曲线。通过快门运动学仿真分析表明,在动态补偿方法前后的激振力为2.38 N和0.29 N,抑制率87.8%,解决了包络限制下旋转对开式快门激振力的抑制问题。


    Abstract: The survey camera is one of primary scientific terminals of a 2 m aperture space telescope. The survey camera uses a rotary opposed-open mechanical shutter, and the exciting force generated when the shutter opens and closes will degrades the imaging resolution of optical telescope and needs to be suppressed. In order to solve this problem, this paper establishes a dynamic model of the mechanical shutter and proposes a dynamic compensation method for the excitation force. Combining the dynamic characteristics of cam movement with the principle of lever reversal compensation and amplification ensures that the inertial force on the mass point side of the lever is equal to the z-direction excitation force, and realizes the dynamic compensation and suppression of the shutter excitation force. The cam curve is optimized using the simplex method based on the principle of minimizing the residuals of the excitation force. After the cam curve is obtained, the kinematics simulation analysis of the mechanical shutter is carried out. The results show that the z-direction excitation force before and after the dynamic compensation method is 2.38 N and 0.29 N, and the suppression rate is 87.8%. The problem of suppressing the excitation force of the rotary opposed-open shutter under volume limit is solved.


