
Optimal Allocation Model of Air Defense Firepower Resources Based on IGHS

  • 摘要: 现代编队防空作战中,不同武器平台携带防空资源更具多样化,如何有效统筹分配现有作战资源,使得编队级防空作战的总体效益最大化成为致胜关键。为此,该文将各作战平台的所有作战资源建模为一个统一资源池,面向多个目标同时拦截作战情景,提出了一种编队级防空火力资源优化分配模型,平衡了毁伤概率与资源消耗的关系;同时提出了一种改进全局最优和声搜索算法,并运用到该模型上,实现了模型的高效求解。最后,通过在简单数据规模和复杂数据规模两种情况下的仿真对比实验分析,验证了该文方法的有效性。


    Abstract: Given the increasingly diversified air defense resources in modern air defense operations, how to effectively allocate the existing combat resources to maximize the overall benefit is the key to win in air defense. Aiming at the problem, with all combat resources of each combat platform regarded as a resource pool, an optimal allocation model of air defense firepower resources is proposed in this paper to balance the relationship between damage probability and resource consumption. At the same time, an improved global best harmony search algorithm is proposed and applied to the model to realize the efficient solution of the model. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the simulation experiments in the case of simple data scale and complex one.


