
Electrokinetic Enrichment of Substances in Double-T-shape Channel

  • 摘要: 微流控检测作为一种新型生化检测平台,具有快速、低成本的检测优势,得到了广泛关注,微流控富集技术对改善微流控检测系统的灵敏度具有重要意义。该文从能实现电动控制样本驱动功能的双T型通道出发,研究了该结构对荧光离子和皮质醇适配体的富集效果,发现了该结构针对不同尺度的物质具有不同的富集效应和富集区域。针对尺寸相对较大的分子类物质,可以在较低的电压下实现局部区域的快速富集,且富集区域远离电极,并利用该富集效应,完成了双T型通道对浓度为0.1 μg/mL的皮质醇的荧光检测。


    Abstract: Biochemical detection and analysis plays an important role in many fields, and many of the target substances are in low concentrations. Microfluidic detection platform has been developed for its low cost and rapid detection. Microfluidic enrichment is important to improve the sensitivity of microfluidic detection system. This paper studied the enrichment of fluorescent ions and cortisol aptamers using a double-T-shape channel, which could achieve the function of sample driving by electrokinetics. It is found that the structure has different enrichment effect and different enrichment area for different sizes of substances. For those substances with larger size relative to ions, it can be concentrated in a short time under low voltages, and the enrichment region is far away from the microelectrode, which is of benefit to both the sample and the electrode. By using this new enrichment effect, we achieved the detection of cortisol with the concentration of 0.1 μg/mL.


