
EMD-Based Borehole Radar Signal Preprocessing Method

  • 摘要: 针对井中雷达数据因环境复杂易受到“污染”而很难提取出有效数据的问题,基于经验模态分解方法(EMD)提出了二维模态经验分解方法(BEMD),该方法对井中雷达信号预处理的时频域分解算法进行分析,将其拓展至高维进行信号处理。仿真结果表明,二维模态经验分解能够有效剔除高频、低频的干扰,较一维的模态经验分解有较大的改进,验证了该方法具备应用于井中雷达数据处理的潜力。


    Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the radar data in the well is difficult to extract effective data due to factors such as pollution in the complex environment, this paper proposes a two-dimensional modal empirical decomposition method (BEMD) based on the empirical mode decomposition method (EMD). The time-frequency domain decomposition algorithm of radar signal preprocessing is analyzed, and the two-dimensional radar signals in wells can be processed effectively by extending the signals to high dimensions. The simulation results show that the proposed BEMD can effectively eliminate the interference of high frequency and low frequency and achieves a great improvement compared with the one-dimensional modal empirical decomposition, which verifies that the method has the potential to be applied to the processing of radar data in Wells..


