
Sharding Algorithm Based on Evolutionary Game in the IoT-Blockchain

  • 摘要: 分片技术被广泛认为是一种克服当前物联网区块链系统可扩展性限制的有效解决方案。然而,由于恶意节点随机分布以及区块链网络复杂的参数配置,如何保证分片的有效性仍具有挑战。首先,对分片区块链的性能进行建模,分析其安全性和可扩展性。其次,为减少恶意节点的聚集以及提高网络的性能,提出了一种基于演化博弈的分片选择算法来优化节点的分片决策。仿真结果表明,提出的分片算法可以使恶意节点尽可能地均匀分布于各个分片中,同时提高分片区块链的性能,进而更好地支持区块链在物联网中的应用。


    Abstract: To overcome the scalability limitations of the current internet of things (IoT) blockchain system, sharding technology is widely regarded as a promising solution. However, due to the random distribution of malicious nodes and the complex network configurable parameters, the effectiveness of sharding is still a challenging. This paper proposes the performance model to analyze the security and scalability of the sharding-based blockchain. Secondly, to reduce the gathering possibility of malicious nodes and improve the performance, this paper proposes a sharding selection algorithm based on the evolutionary game. The simulation results show that proposed algorithm can make the malicious nodes uniformly distributed in each shard and has better performance, thereby well supporting the applications in IoT-blockchain.


