
A Boolean Function NPN Equivalent Matching Algorithm Based on Canonical Form

  • 摘要: 通过对香农分解代数余子式的运算研究,发现了对称变量和独立变量在NP等价变换中的6个属性,充分利用变量的对称性和独立性NP变换后的不变性、独立变量相位不确定性、在NP匹配中独立变量识别其他变量和其他变量识别独立变量的不可用性,提出了一种基于正规式的布尔函数NPN等价匹配算法。通过对大量MCNC标准电路库中电路和随机生成电路的7-22变量布尔函数的匹配实验,在两个实验电路集上本文算法与基于高阶通用特征匹配算法相比,匹配过程中的搜索空间平均减少了58.8%、布尔匹配的速度提高了45.6%,能够为电路优化和电路映射提供更加快速和有效的布尔匹配。


    Abstract: By studying the operation of the cofactor of Shannon decomposition, six attributes of symmetric variables and independent variables in NP equivalent transformation are found. By making full use of the invariance of the symmetry and independence of variables after NP transformation, the phase uncertainty of independent variables, the unavailability of both independent variables to identify other variables and other variables to identify independent variables in the process of matching, we propose an NPN equivalent matching algorithm based on canonical form. We performed matching experiments on the 7-22 variable Boolean functions of a large number of MCNC benchmark circuits and randomly generated circuits.. The experimental results show that the algorithm of this paper reduces the search space in the matching process by 58.8% and increases matching speed by 45.6% on the two experimental circuit sets compared with the algorithm based on higher order general signature. This indicates that the algorithm of this paper can provide faster and more effective Boolean matching for circuit optimization and circuit mapping.


