1000 us)保持量子一致状态并完成计算[8]。由于目前量子芯片架构及其工艺、量子操作系统、软件栈等要素组件尚处于快速发展阶段,量子计算机尚不能完全展现其巨大优势[9]。
Design of Quantum Operating System (QuOS) and Software Stack
摘要: 量子计算机已经逐步进入人们的视野,并被期望能够高效解决经典计算机不能解决的问题。量子计算机潜力巨大,是国内外积极关注的颠覆性计算技术。本文首先总结了国内外量子计算机系统的发展(涉及硬件、软件等多个层次),并归纳目前量子计算系统存在的、需要面对的问题以及相关的解决方案和方向。随后,提出了量子操作系统的设计原则,并介绍了一种量子操作系统QuOS的原型的核心机制。Abstract: Quantum computers have gradually entered people's vision and are expected to be able to efficiently solve problems that classical computers cannot solve. Quantum computers have great potential. This paper first summarizes the development of quantum computer systems (involving hardware, software and other levels), and summarizes the existing or need to face problems of current quantum computing systems. Then, the design principles of quantum operating system are presented, and the core mechanism of a prototype quantum operating system QuOS is introduced.
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