Research on Cognitive Processing Architecture and Application of Electromagnetic Signal in Complex Environment
摘要: 针对现代电磁频谱设备或终端具有网络化、捷变性、多功能、自适应、种类复杂多样和使用环境复杂多变等特性给认知电磁频谱战系统的信号分析与处理带来的巨大挑战的问题,提出了一种结合人工智能、适合复杂电磁环境下电磁目标信号认知处理与分析的架构。在该架构下电磁目标信号分析与处理被分为目标信号参数估计、目标信号类型分类、辐射源个体识别和目标信号的特征建库与知识图谱[
1 -3 ]的构建等4个层次,可以很好适应闭集和开集电磁目标信号的分析与处理;此外,在此架构下提出了未知辐射源辨识、跨模态辐射源智能识别和电磁辐射源的个体识别的算法框架,在实测数据集上的验证实验表明,该算法在闭集和开集电磁信号分析中有效可行。-
- 电磁频谱战 /
- 认知处理架构 /
- 电磁目标知识图谱与推理 /
- 辐射源个体识别
Abstract: In view of the challenges that the modern electromagnetic spectrum equipment or terminals has such characteristics as network, agility, multi-function, adaptive, complex variety of types and working in complex environments, etc., in this paper, main research is focused on the structure of electromagnetic signal processing and analysis in complex electromagnetic environments. A new architecture is proposed, which combines artificial intelligence and is suitable for cognitive processing and analysis of electromagnetic signals in complex electromagnetic environments. In this framework, electromagnetic signal analysis and processing are divided into four levels: signal parameter estimation, signal type classification, radiation source identification, signal feature database and knowledge map construction[1 -3 ], The framework can be used to analyze and process closed electromagnetic signal set and open electromagnetic signal set; In addition, the identification of unknown emitter, the intelligent identification of cross-modal emitter and the individual identification of electromagnetic emitter are proposed in this framework. The verification test on the measured data set shows that these algorithms are effective and feasible in closed set and open set electromagnetic signal analysis. -
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