集成相干光源的光场被限制在尺寸较小的波导中,可显著提高光功率密度,降低泵浦阈值。使用微谐振腔(简称“微腔”)可以进一步提升非线性增益,微腔从时间和空间两个维度将光场限制在腔内传播,通过谐振作用大大增强了腔内光场功率,其增强系数与微腔的品质因子(即Q值)有关,Q值越高,增强效果越显著,泵浦阈值越低。早期的高Q微腔大多是基于回音壁模式(Whispering Gallery Mode, WGM)的微腔,例如微球腔(Micro-sphere)[9]、微楔盘腔(Micro-wedge)[10]、微螺环腔(Micro-toroid)[11, 12]、微棒腔(Micro-rod)[13]等,尽管这类微腔的Q值很高(可达108以上),但难以集成,且需要拉锥光纤或棱镜耦合,受环境扰动较大。随着半导体生长和刻蚀工艺的日渐成熟,低损耗的集成光波导得以实现,为高Q值平面波导微腔(Planar Micro-cavity)的制备奠定了基础。与传统的WGM腔相比,平面波导微腔的模式体积更小,集成度更高,且便于大规模制备。目前用于制备集成非线性相干光源的平面波导微腔Q值普遍在106以上,集成Si3N4微腔的Q值甚至高达108[8]。尽管平面波导微腔的Q值比传统WGM微腔的Q值略低,但得益于更小的模式体积,可显著降低非线性阈值功率。总的来说,微腔集成相干光源具有低泵浦阈值、小体积、高集成、批量低成本等诸多优势,是光集成芯片中最重要的光器件之一。
Advances in Microcavity-Integrated Coherent Light Source Research, Communication Applications and Their Future Perspectives
摘要: 凭借小体积、低功耗、可重构、低成本等优势,片上集成相干光源成为光计算、自动驾驶、高速光互联、5G/6G通信等领域极具潜力的光源方案。微腔集成相干光源结合片上集成和腔增强效应,显著增加了腔内光场功率,降低了泵浦阈值。该文介绍克尔光频梳、微腔受激拉曼激光、二阶非线性光梳和微腔增强电光梳四大类微腔集成相干光源的原理和研究进展,针对谱宽、噪声、效率、功率四大关键性能指标对逐一进行分析,介绍基于微腔集成相干光源在通信应用中的研究进展,并对其未来发展趋势进行展望。Abstract: With advantages such as small footprint, low power consumption, reconfigurability and low cost, chip-integrated coherent light sources have become a highly promising scheme, applied in optical computing, autonomous driving, high-speed optical interconnection, 5G/6G communications, etc. Combining on-chip integration and cavity enhancement effects, microcavity-based integrated coherent light sources significantly improve the intracavity light power as well as reducing the pump threshold. namely Kerr frequency combs, microcavity stimulated Raman lasers, quadratic combs and microcavity-enhanced electro-optical combs. Here we introduce in detail the principles and research progress of four major types of microcavity integrated coherent light sources: Kerr optical frequency combs, microcavity stimulated Raman lasers, second-order nonlinear optical combs and microcavity-enhanced electro-optical combs. Focusing on four key parameters, namely spectrum width, noise, efficiency and power are analysed respectively. The research progresses of microcavity-based integrated coherent light sources in communication applications are introduced. And their future development trends are prospected.
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