On Fundamentals of Link Prediction
摘要: 链路预测是网络科学最具活力的分支之一,其目标是基于已知的网络拓扑结构估计未观察到的链接的存在可能性。该文对链路预测中仍需重点关注的4个基础性问题——网络选取、链路抽样、模型训练和算法评价进行了研究,报告了这4个方面目前的研究进展,并指出尚未解决的关键问题。最后,对亟待解决的一些关键研究问题进行了总结。
- 链路预测 /
- 网络选取 /
- 链路抽样;模型训练;算法评价
Abstract: Link prediction is one of the most productive branches in network science, aiming to estimate the likelihoods of unobserved links based on known network topology. This paper critically examines four fundamental issues in link prediction, say network selection, link sampling, model training and algorithm evaluation. It reviews the current research progresses and highlights some significant yet unresolved issues that urgently require scientific answers. -
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