
Blind Recognition Method of RS Coding

  • 摘要: 针对信道编码的盲识别问题,首次提出了RS码的盲识别方法。先针对无误码的情况,通过基于矩阵行向量化简(RREF)的方法估计RS码的码长、本原多项式和生成多项式等参数;继而,针对有误码的情况,通过基于RREF、容错矩阵分解(FTMD)和伽罗华域的傅里叶变换(GFFT)方法估计码长、本原多项式和生成多项式等参数,这是一个全新的研究课题,在智能通信、信息截获、密码分析等领域有重要的应用。仿真实验表明文中提出的方法在误码率为10?3的情况下,对于RS码的识别概率高于85%。


    Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the blind recognition of channel coding, some methods of blind recognition of Reed-Solomon (RS) coding are proposed. In the case of codes without errors, the coded length, primitive polynomial, and generator polynomial are obtained based on reduced row echelon form of the matrix (RREF). In the case of codes with errors, the coded length, primitive polynomial, and generator polynomial are obtained based on RREF, fault-tolerant matrix decomposing (FTMD) and Galois Field Fourier Transform (GFFT). The simulation experiments show that the recognition probability of the proposed methods is above 85% at a bit error rate (BER) of 10?3.


