
Effect of Mutual Coupling on the Capacity of Indoor MIMO Wireless Channels

  • 摘要: 考虑多天线间互耦,建立了多天线系统等效网络模型,导出通用耦合系数矩阵。应用互耦补偿方法拓展了室内多输入多输出(MIMO)无线衰落信道模型的研究,数值分析了天线单元间的互耦对室内MIMO无线信道容量的影响。验证互耦对空域相关性无影响的条件,计及互耦要比不计互耦对信道容量的影响要大,但互耦导致的天线方向图畸变可能产生角度分集的效果,从而降低信道的相关性并提高信道容量。


    Abstract: Antenna mutual coupling (MC) is considered and the general coupling coefficients matrix from the equivalent network model of the multiple-antenna is obtained. Indoor multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless channel model is extended by using mutual coupling compensation method, and the effects of MC on the capacity of indoor MIMO channels are analyzed numerically. The conditions that MC has no effect on the spatial correlation are identified. Simulation results show that MC can cause the antenna pattern distortion which brings angel diversity and low correlation so as to improve channel capacity.


