
Design and Fabrication of Laminated Low Pass Filters

  • 摘要: 利用集总参数元件进行叠层片式低通滤波器的设计,并使用ULF140材料,经低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)工艺制作出符合0805封装尺寸要求的截止频率为200 MHz的叠层片式低通滤波器。用矢量网络分析仪Agilent 8722ES对样品进行了相关测试,测试结果为:滤波器3 dB的频率点为200 MHz,500 MHz时带外抑制达到26 dB。其仿真结果与实测结果吻合。采用该方法,解决了设计和制作LTCC叠层低通滤波器的一致性问题。


    Abstract: A complete and effective design is introduced to realize the 0805 size of standard packaging laminated low pass filter (LPF) using the technology of low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC). The three-stage laminated LPF with 200 MHz cut-off frequency is successfully manufactured using the ceramic green tape with relative permittivity of 14 and tape-casting thickness of 25 μm. Testing results show that the three-order LPF sample can achieve a 3 dB return loss at 200 MHz and a 26 dB return loss at 500 MHz by Agilent 8722ES. And the measured results agree well with the simulated data. This method illustrates a way to resolve the consistency problems between simulation and manufacture.


