
Effect of Gas Pressure on the Optical Properties of n-Type a-Si: H Thin Films Deposited by PECVD

  • 摘要: 用射频等离子增强化学气相沉积(RF-PECVD)制备磷掺杂氢化非晶硅(a-Si:H)薄膜,研究了辉光放电气体压强(20~80 Pa)对薄膜折射率、消光系数、光学带隙以及氢含量的影响;用激光拉曼光谱研究了气体压强对a-Si:H薄膜微结构的影响,并与薄膜的光学性能进行了综合讨论。结果表明,随着辉光放电气体压强的增加,a-Si:H薄膜的光学带隙和氢含量都有不同程度的增大,但折射率和消光系数却逐步减小;与此同时,薄膜内非晶网络的短程和中程有序程度逐渐恶化。


    Abstract: Phosphor doped (n-type) hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films were deposited by radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RF-PECVD). The refractive index, extinction coefficient, optical bandgap and hydrogen content of the testing films were investigated by means of ellipsometry and Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) with gas pressure varied from 20 Pa to 80 Pa. The microstructural changes of a-Si:H thin films caused by different gas pressure were studied and discussed using Raman spectra along with optical property measurement. The results show that the optical bandgap and the hydrogen content of a-Si:H thin films increase with the rise of gas pressure in PECVD system, while the refractive index and the extinction coefficient decrease gradually. In the mean time, the ordering of amorphous network of the testing thin films on the short and intermediate scales is getting worse as the gas pressure goes up.


