
Advances in Modeling and Simulation of Microwave Tube

  • 摘要: 传统的经验设计方法很难综合性地进一步提高微波管的功率、带宽、增益、效率及非线性特性等性能,高精度的微波管CAD模拟软件是改进设计,提高性能的主要手段。该文综述了微波管CAD技术的国内外研究进展,介绍了微波管CAD软件的主要分类及代表性软件,特别是我国自主研发的“二维宽带大功率行波管CAD集成环境”软件系统及“三维微波管模拟器套装”。展望了微波管CAD技术的发展前景,对我国自主开发微波管CAD软件提出了一些建议。


    Abstract: It is very difficult to promote performance of microwave tubes in power, bandwidth, gain, efficiency, and nonlinearity comprehensively by traditional design method based on experience. The technique of modeling and simulation is the key method to improve the capability of microwave tubes. Recent advances in modeling and simulation of microwave tube are reviewed. The classification and representative codes of microwave tubes are introduced. 2D TWTCAD and 3D MTSS (Microwave Tube Simulator Suite) developed by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China are demonstrated. Finally, some proposals how to promote Chinese's capability in developing codes of microwave tubes are given.


