
6D+2P RAID Checkout Technology Research

  • 摘要: 通过对磁盘阵列的4种主要校验技术进行深入的分析与研究,提出基于6D+2P的Reed-Solomon编码校验技术,并对基于不同校验技术的磁盘阵列的空间利用率和读写性能进行了比较分析。得出磁盘阵列的各校验技术依据一定的原理进行磁盘阵列的校验冗余与校验恢复,但相互之间仍有共性,如果采用基于6D+2P的磁盘阵列校验技术磁盘阵列的使用率将达到85%,其研究有助于磁盘阵列校验技术的完善与改进。


    Abstract: By analyzing and studying four main checkout technologies of redundant array of independent disks (RAID), 6D+2P checkout technology is proposed based on P+Q checkout technology. 6D+2P checkout technology can effectively deal with data recovery when two disks are wrong. The main principle is that it distracts the application data and checkout data into eight disks from one RAID group, thus can ensure the read-write performance and the data security. Experimental results verified that the use ratio and read-write capability of disk array based on 6D+2P are improved effectively, where the use ratio can up to 85%.


