
Analysis of the Characteristics of Landing Gear with MR Fluid Damper System

  • 摘要: 大型飞机的安全研究,起落架是保障飞机起飞与降落安全的关键部件,该文根据起落架的减振系统对其进行动力学特性分析。由于磁流变阻尼力的出现,导致了起落架磁流变减振系统成为了非线性系统,为了研究系统特性,通过对其非线性部分线性化,构造出起落架磁流变减振系统的动力学数学模型,分析不同阻尼比下机身位移、机身加速度、起落架位移和起落架动载荷的频率响应,并对跑道的随机路面激励时域特性分析,这对起落架磁流变减振系统结构设计和减振系统优化控制具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Landing gear of aircraft is the key component to ensure safety during the process of takeoff and landing. This paper analyzes the dynamic characteristics of the landing gear system. Because of the inclusion of MR fluid, the landing gear damper system becomes a nonlinear system. In order to study the characteristics of the system, this paper builds the mathematical model of the landing gear damper by linearizing the nonlinear system. Based on the model, the frequency response of aircraft body displacement, aircraft body acceleration, landing gear displacement, and tire dynamic loading of the landing gear are analyzed. And the time-domain response of random road excitations is also analyzed. These analyses would be helpful in structure designing of the landing gear with MR damper and the advanced control of the damper system.


